
Posts Tagged ‘life narratives’

For the record: The Sleep of Reason Produces  Monsters is a famous painting by Francisco Goya. The sentence has become an oft-used paean to logic and awareness, which is not bad. Needless to say, paralogical thrills and unconscious fun are necessary and welcome too.

22 Words | Thrift store monsters — Adding fantastical creatures to second-hand art.

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Sue Austin, an artist from the core.

A power chair simply makes her self-empowering choices visible. And her new, fresh, amazing narratives heal the implicit bigotry that plagues and paralyzes most bodies – especially those labeled ‘normal’ yet deeply challenged when it comes to many activities children relish, such as singing, dancing, running, hugging… The limitations that were in the eye of the beholder only vanish with each swirl she takes.

Kudos and thanks.

Sue Austin, un’artista fin nel midollo.

La sua sedia a rotelle (potenziata) rende visibili le scelte interiori con cui lei si è riconosciuta un’identità dotata di nuovi poteri, a dispetto della percezione altrui che la vedeva sminuita e ridotta. Dice ‘Ho dovuto inventare di sana pianta le mie narrative’. L’ha fatto per tutti noi, perché osiamo incarnare i nostri sogni di libertà corporea, ovunque e comunque noi siamo.


TED Blog | Much more of Sue Austin’s incredible wheelchair art.

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